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•   Buff Williams  8/10
•   Kevin Gull  5/12
•   David Gillie  3/4
•   Sam Fletcher  2/9
•   Stanley Wulfenstein  10/25
•   Eric Keith  10/7
•   Lana Luckau (Rooke)  7/12
•   Carrie Dunn (Adams)  2/6
•   Robert Young  8/8
•   Carl Andersen  4/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
9 live in Arizona
2 live in Armed Forces Europe
1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
14 live in California
6 live in Colorado
3 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
3 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
5 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
5 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
3 live in New Mexico
1 lives in North Carolina
4 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
6 live in Texas
229 live in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Belgium
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Hong Kong
1 lives in Israel
12 location unknown
33 are deceased


•   Kevin Bond  2/15
•   Larry Whipple  2/20
•   John Bird  2/21
•   Reed Williams  2/22
•   Doug Westphal  2/25
•   Robert Wilson  2/25
•   David Lott  2/27
•   Shellie Cox (Lott)  2/28
•   Bryan Chapman  3/2
•   Elaine Monson (Craig)  3/2
•   Chris Elder  3/3
•   Stan Giles  3/4
•   Brent Gibson  3/13
•   Amy Fisher (DeMille)  3/14


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Countdown to Reunion Breakfast

Combined Reunion Breakfast with Timpview and Provo High, Class of '79

Although there isn't a formal 45th reunion planned for our class this year, there still is a great opportunity to come catch up with our classmates. Come join us for a combined reunion Breakfast on July 6, 2024 from 9-11 am at Lyon Park in Provo (see the flyer below).

Brad Morley is our class representative, working with Provo High's reunion committee to host this event.

Please come and connect with others and enjoy a fun Breakfast activity.

See you there.


Our 40th Reunion was a great success!   

Thanks to everyone who participated.  It was great to see you all.

Date: July 5, 2019
Place: Soldier Hallow Golf Couse (Midway, UT)

Want to see who came to the reunion?  Click here (or on the photo) to get a closer look.

40th reunion video

Click Here to see a gallery of all photos, with peoples names for the evening reunion event



Slideshow that played in a continuous loop, during the reunion showing memorable moments from the past

Combined Breakfast-in-the-Park Video

Photos taken at our combined Provo High/Timpview, breakfast-in-the-park on July 6, 2019 at Rock Canyon Park in Provo, Utah
Click Here to see a gallery of all photos from the combined breakfast-in-the-park


If you are not currently a member of the Timpview, Class of 1979 Facebook group,  please join now.









Reunions past

August 9, 2014.  Good friends, good food, and lots of mingling.... It was fun to re-connect.  Wished everyone from the Class of '79 could have made it.  The group was a bit smaller than our 30th, but on a positive note, several people commented that it gave them more chances to engage in deeper conversations in a less formal setting.  The event began with a meet & greet, aweseome dinner (thanks Juanita and Wallabys), a slide presentation focusing on class members today (rather than spending too much time looking back...thank you  Devri), a tribute memorial for classmates no longer with us, an engaging, interactive survey game (thanks Lisa, Cindy Quinn, Ron Baird (co-MC) and Lisa's husband, Scott); class photo, a tour of the school (thanks Anne Crosland), a myriad of conversations, and even an after party in the parking lot (check out the pictures).


Video memorial - 35th reunion - honoring members of the Class of '79 who have passed on.  

NOTE: as a result of putting together this video, we're looking for a photo of Tommy Ulibarri.  We contacted his family and they said they will find one for us.  If any of you have photos to share, send them to


Class Video - 35th Reunion.  The video concept was to focus on where we've all come since high school. 

If you notice that the photos linked with you are a bit dated, we highly recommend adding newer pictures to your profile.  Just click "Edit Profile" on the left menu to upload new pictures.  Thanks Devri for spending time to create this presentation.

Note: the deadline to submit photos specifically for this video was May 2, 2014 (invitation sent out on March 25, 2014).

We'd love to get feedback about the event from attendees.  Also, for those of you who couldn't make it this time around, please let us know what would make it easier for you to attend this event in the future.  

We've already heard from some of you that we should plan the reunion date (in 2019) earlier in the summer (perhaps late June or around the 4th of July). What else?  


Send any ideas or feedback to:

Start planning for our 40th reunion in 2019.  Notice that the 5 year countdown clock has already begun.


Buy a Timpview 79 yearbook from Amazon

Did you know that you can buy a reprint of our yearbook from Amazon?  They are selling them now. Just click here to see more.  Thought I'd post this for any of you who have lost your yearbook.

There is even a digital scan of our yearbook on Click here to view our yearbook online.

Cool stuff.

Our 30th Reunion.  That was a blast (posted July 2, 2009)....
It was so fun to see so many people at the reunion dinner on July 2nd.  We took over 300 pictures and video taped much of the program.  The videos are available from this page. Just scroll down and play them directly from YouTube.

Click Here for HIGH RESOLUTION versions of all photos from the July 2nd event (in Flickr)

Videos from the program are now available (see below)

July 3rd picnic was awesome.

Thanks Provo High for hosting a great event for our families.  We had optimal weather and people stayed until well after 9:00 p.m.  Thanks to Eric Keith for entertaining everyone with great 70's music.

Click Here for HIGH RESOLUTION versions of all photos taken at the event (in Flickr)

The reunion is now over, but the memories will always be with us. Thanks to everyone who supported all of the great events.


This version has the slides. If you want to see the live performance, see below.

Several people asked for copies of the lyrics for this song. Click here to open and download.

This is the version showing the slides. There is another one that shows Liz singing the song (see below).

Larry's rendition of "The is the Moment" with slide show overlay. If you'd like to watch Larry sing this song, you will find another version below. This version shows the storyline of how we created the large block T, back in 1979

High School band reunited, playing our unofficial school song, Rocky Mountain Way.

Ed Kocherhans (lead vocals and guitar)
Bryan Chapman (keyboard)
Mark Reveal (bass)
Kimo Lewis (lead guitar)
Scott Hatch (drums)

"Never Been Any Reason." The band first played this song at the Stars Assembly in 1979

Ed Kocherhans (lead vocals, cowbell  - MORE COWBELL PLEASE!)
Michelle Linford Hatch (lead vocals)
Teresa Crowley Kocherhans (vocals)
Bryan Chapman (keyboard, vocals))
Mark Reveal (bass)
Kimo Lewis (lead guitar)
Scott Hatch (drums)

Liz Boyack Ericksen sings "Remember Me This Way" - live peformance. To view with slide show overlay (that was project over head), see above.

Larry Whipple singing "This is the Moment" in a live performance. To see the slide overlay version, see above.

Original song, written for the 30th reunion by David Harris and Bryan Chapman. Performed by:

David Harris (vocals, guitar)
Bryan Chapman (vocals, acoustic bass)
Keith Bradshaw (percussion, cajon)
Scott Hatch (drums)