Timpview High School
Class Of 1979

Updates to Arturo's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Arturo de Hoyos
Profile Updated: August 1, 2019
Residing In: | Burke (Fairfax County), VA |
Occupation: | Archivist and Historian, in Washington, DC |
Children: | Yes |
What I've been doing since high school:
Thanks for the guest membership here. I graduated in 1978, but had several friends in the class of 1979.
After High School I served in the "Deutschland Mission München" (Germany Munich Mission), in which several other Provo High / Timpview High alumni served, including Donnette Davis, Robert Wilson, Colin Hickenlooper, David Harris, Craig Hughes, Vernon Gubler, and Garn Nibley.
Following my return I attended BYU, during which I became interested in etymology, languages, and philology. I speak German, Spanish, and some Russian, and read French and Latin fairly well, as well as some Hebrew.
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Arturo's Video Gallery
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:57 PM
Secrets Of The Lost Symbol - Part 2
One of the world's most popular authors, Dan Brown, sits down for a rare and exclusive interview with NBC News' Matt Lauer to talk about his new book, "The Lost Symbol," the beliefs of the Freemasons, the power of the human mind, whether people can become gods and a little known science that may tie them all together.Powered by Class Creator