David Lundberg

Profile Updated: June 27, 2019
David Lundberg
David Lundberg


David Lundberg


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: St. George, UT USA
Occupation: managing family assets
What I've been doing since high school:

A little personal history:
attended Harvard freshman year
recovered a year at home
mission in Guatemala
finished school at Stanford in Chem Eng.
stayed in the SF Bay area until 2006, then
moved to St. George to manage late father's assets
kept swimming until age 27, was on 2 NCAA championship teams, was part of American record setting relay, got a gold medal on a relay at the World Championships, just missed (3rd at Trials)the 88 Olympic team
worked in venture capital 8 years, then in financial analysis 10 years
part of dad's estate includes a fleet of vintage cars, so I'm getting my nails dirty again

I remember when...

In Gladys Nelson's AP English class I got back my essay entitled "The Iliad as a Sedative' with these comments: "If all you've gotten from 2 weeks studying this is 'sedation' then I've failed as a teacher. I apologize." Little does Mrs. Nelson know how profoundly she's influenced me. I've always been very greatful for her passion to teach us. I fondly recall during our Beowulf study how excited she got telling us about her experience tasting real mead in England, and how she went on and on about Lynn Swann of the Pittsburg steelers the day after the superbowl, no doubt to try and reach some of us laddies.

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Posted: Jun 27, 2019 at 12:18 PM
Posted: Jun 27, 2019 at 12:19 PM
I always loved the water
Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Yosemite half dome hike (and full dome head)
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:23 PM
good thing I took Mr. Dennis' auto shop sr. year